The Weirdest Thing Happened on the Way to the G.O.P. Primary…

Ronna McDaniel, remarkably, is still the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, having held the post since 2017. The latest stumble, intentional or not, is her scheduling of two G.O.P. debates with CNN, the most left, woke, fake TV network of them all. One debate is just before the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 10th at Drake U. in Des Moines; and the second, before the New Hampshire G.O.P. primary on Jan. 21st at St. Anselm’s in Goffstown. But the Republican National Committee is just controlled opposition vis-a-vis a Trump nomination. 

Here’s how the imbroglio unfolded. Late last week, CNN announced it scored two GOP candidate debates. People thought the RNC had agreed to them because previously, the candidates had all agreed to only participate in G.O.P. sanctioned debates lest they be excluded from future RNC debates. It turned out, these weren’t sanctioned debates at all—CNN had gone rogue. The RNC didn’t even know about it until after they were announced. And neither of the venues—Drake and St. Anselm’s— knew about them, either. Even the Chairman of New Hampshire’s Republican Party, Chris Ager, didn’t know anything about any of it. 

By late Friday, the RNC made an official statement to the effect that it is no longer hosting debates for the 2024 G.O.P. primary. That means the RNC never conducted even one debate with its top contender, 45th President Donald Trump. In fact, the net effect of its debates had to have been to diminish Trump’s reach among the base, but adding insult to injury to the lower tier candidates, they are doing worse today than they were before the G.O.P. debates even began. If the RNC’s intent was to bolster lower tiered candidates and challenge Trump, it has evidently failed miserably. 

ABC News has also entered the fray of non-RNC sponsored debates and Fla. Gov. Ron DeSantis has already agreed to participate in both. Former N.J. Gov. Chris Christie is rumored to have not qualified for these debates, so it seems the anti-Trump messaging will be curtailed. It will be down to DeSantis, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and former S.C. Gov. and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. 

Next step? The ouster of McDaniel. She’s an abysmal failure. (Her ineffectiveness can be gleaned better if you know her maiden name is ‘Romney,’ as in Mitt’s niece.) The G.O.P. has a net loss of seven governorships, three Senate seats, and 19 House seats, not to mention the presidency under McDaniel’s tenure. Yikes.

“Ignore All Rules.” –Lawrence Mark Sanger

IF YOU WERE a space alien, as opposed to an illegal alien, and had never heard of Joe or Hunter Biden, you might think you should look up his name in the world’s internet encyclopedia, Wikipedia. If you did, you would read the following, unedited, today [links in original]:

Robert Hunter Biden (born February 4, 1970) is an American attorney, businessman, and artist. He has also been a hedge fund principal and a venture capital and private equity fund investor. He formerly worked as a banker, a lobbyist, and a legal representative for lobbying firms.

Biden is the second son of U.S. President Joe Biden and his first wife, Neilia Hunter Biden. In 1972, when Biden was two years old, a car crash killed his mother, who was driving, and his one-year-old sister, Naomi, and seriously injured both him and his older brother, Beau. In his memoir, Beautiful Things, Biden wrote of his struggles with drug and alcohol abuse, which escalated after Beau’s death, in 2015, from brain cancer.[1][2] He was discharged from the U.S. Navy Reserve shortly after his commissioning, due to a failed drug test.

Biden was a founding board member of BHR Partners,[3] a Chinese investment company, in 2013. He served on the board of Burisma Holdings, one of the largest private natural gas producers in Ukraine, from 2014 until his term expired in April 2019. Since early 2019, Hunter and his father, Joe Biden, have been the subjects of false allegations of corrupt activities in a Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory. The accusations concern Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s anti-corruption efforts there.[4]

The New York Post published an article in October 2020 about a laptop computer that had belonged to Hunter Biden. The laptop supposedly contained about 129,000 emails and other materials, but the Post provided no evidence of the chain of custody or authenticity of the device. Other media outlets declined to publish the story, because of that lack of provenance.[5]…”

How biased is that? Truth be told, no one who wants to learn anything, anything that’s true, that is, wouldn’t have gone to Wikipedia for years because of this obvious and unabashed leftist bias that seeps through the digital page like the internet sewerage it is. Thus, it didn’t surprise me to read an article about Wikipedia co-founder (with Jimmy Wales), Lawrence Mark Sanger, and his interview with investigative reporter Glenn Greenwald, where he is quoted extensively about his views on the site’s bias.’ 

Sanger claimed in the interview that Wikipedia had become a tool of “control” in the hands of the U.S. government, notably, the C.I.A., F.B.I., and other intelligence agencies. He believed the site had become a means of weaponization sometime between 2005 and 2015, using “information warfare…conducted online.” “We do have evidence that … even as early as … 2008 … that CIA and F.B.I. computers were used to edit Wikipedia,” Sanger admitted. In fact, Sanger’s belief is supported by evidence produced by a computer programming student named Virgil Griffith, who published proof of C.I.A. and F.B.I. activity on Wikipedia in 2007. Griffith had produced a program he called Wikiscanner that could trace the location of computers used to edit wikis on Wikipedia. By 2008, even the Huffington Post had to admit the C.I.A. and F.B.I. had edited numerous Wikipedia articles and remove incriminating information. The C.I.A., for example, used its computers to remove casualty counts from the Iraq War. The F.B.I., for its part, deleted images of Guantanamo Bay and edited articles on multiple other topics. 

Sanger spoke of a “gradual change” over the years, citing the period between 2006 and 2008 as a period where Wikipedia articles on scientific topics, like ‘global warming,’ exhibited “over-the-top bias.” By the period 2010 to 2015, he saw “obviously biased” articles opposing Eastern and holistic medicine while promoting Western medicine. By the time of President Trump’s election, Sanger said that “no encyclopedia to my knowledge has been as biased as Wikipedia has been.” He didn’t know for sure whether the intelligence agencies themselves manipulated Wikipedia articles or if they hired influential people to advance the desired agendas. 

Sanger seemed distressed that Wikipedia’s “original neutrality policy” by “rank and file Wikipedians” had been hijacked by the biases of ‘progressive’ media, such as CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times. Remarkably, he revealed that Wikipedia had officially declared that “80 percent of the major sources of news on the right to be unreliable.” 

Sanger suggested other online encyclopedias be used, such as Ballotpedia and Conservapedia, but readily acknowledged they don’t rank well with Google’s SEO algorithm. Unfortunately, what began as a great idea became an exercise at ‘democratizing’ expertise and submitting to the lowest common denominator, and then just became a political weapon of bureaucrats acting under cloak of secrecy.

If you are to believe the Wikipedia article about him, Sanger hasn’t been involved with Wikipedia since early 2002 when he was laid off. Since then, he has been accused by Vice of being “Wikipedia’s Most Outspoken Critic,” based on his belief it ignored his policies to “ignore all rules, [keep a] neutral point of view, [use] no original research, and [providing] verifiability.” Wales was guilty of ignoring his policies, too, according to Sanger, who didn’t appreciate his colleague’s minimizing and editing of his own contributions to the site.

Saint Anselm’s Anthological Argument

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP began campaign season Y1 of the Presidential Campaign of 2024 at a Town Hall aired, strangely enough, by CNN, in, appropriately enough, New Hampshire. The network must’ve needed a ratings boost. (N.B. It got one.)

The site was perfect: St. Anselm’s College in Manchester. The school is known for its polling, considered to be quite accurate in the Granite State. The CNN ‘moderator,’ 31-year-old Kaitlan Collins, however, was neither perfect nor quite accurate. She was, as DJT so aptly put it, nasty, despite her angelic-and inappropriate white pantsuit. She pulled all the old Dem tricks from its magician’s handbook. She accused Trump of doing what Dems themselves do. And she wouldn’t let him get a word in edgewise. It was, to use another Trumpism, an absolute disgrace. 

At the outset, Kaitlan wanted Trump’s comments on his civil court loss in Manhattan from the day before. Trump didn’t take it seriously, and admitted he didn’t because the claim was ludicrous and the lawsuit was bankrolled by political enemies with a sinister agenda. (More has come out about that already.) Trump’s response garnered a lot of attention by adversaries in the press on Thursday.

Early on, she also focused heavily on the 2020 election, in hopes of getting DJT to ‘admit’ it wasn’t rigged or stolen. She did not succeed. She asked him if he would guarantee accepting election results in 2024, to which DJT responded he would, if it were a fair and honest election. It was a fair and honest answer she would not accept. So she answered for him: “no.” Well, okay, if you’re admitting it won’t be fair or honest. She drove the line of inquiry primarily, but participants in the Town Hall, consisting of G.O.P. or undeclared voters in NH, were allowed to ask some questions, to which Kaitlan quickly chimed in to rephrase for the CNN audience.

DJT did not allow her to take over, despite risking the not-good look of being assertive with a woman. He did it with aplomb, though, because most of the time, she was interrupting him or arguing with him as if she herself was running against him in the primary. One question from a participant at the Town Hall involved how to keep Putin under control in the Ukraine situation. The question presumed Putin was the bad guy, but when Kaitlan paraphrased it, Putin was transfixed into the devil incarnate so how would DJT burn his effigy, indeed demonic self, in Hell? 

DJT didn’t take the bait, and undoubtedly had Dem viewers saying it was evidence of his “ties” with Russian President Vladimir Putin. DJT just said he’d promptly cut the funding for the war in concert with our allies and call Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, to the table to negotiate peace. When she pushed him to say who he supported, he demurred, saying only he wanted the killing to stop. It was an excellent answer in that uniquely unpolished, but sincere way DJT has and the Town Hall (and television) audience loved it. He sounded experienced. He sounded like a statesman.

Is Putin a war criminal, Kaitlan pressed. Again, Trump refused to answer explaining if he were, now would be a poor time to say so—before trying to negotiate a peace. Of course. Biden answered the exact same question in a different setting, “No.” He immediately retracted and said “yes.” Not even decisive. 

Asked if he would pardon J6 defendants, Trump said he would seriously consider pardoning most of them, depending on their particular circumstances. It was a reasonable position, Kaitlan talked about officer injuries that day. Trump talked about unarmed peaceful veteran, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot in her neck at point-blank range by a cop for no apparent reason, killing her instantly. It was taped.

Kaitlan harped on the J6 narrative because her ilk think that calling it an insurrection is the key to getting Biden ‘re-elected.’ She stated he didn’t do anything to stop the so-called insurrection. This is factually untrue, and Trump was prepared. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and read off a list of every statement, every Tweet, every comment he made, and the times he made them all, to try to control the crowd. Kaitlan didn’t like it, but the audience did. 

The only question DJT tripped up on in this writer’s opinion was the one on abortion from the audience. Trump harped on his Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, and the extreme positions of Dems (who think the right to abortion should attach until right after birth, making the procedure at that point, infanticide.) But he didn’t say it articulately. He should’ve said it is, and always was a political question that belonged with the states, almost all of which believe abortion should be legal, within certain parameters. What those limitations are can be quibbled over, but it is not a federal question. And it certainly isn’t a Constitutional right, absolute or otherwise. He needs to improve that answer, IMO.

About 45 minutes into the Town Hall, after a commercial break, Trump was no longer seated, but instead, stood to give his remaining answers. It’s not clear why he did this. And the program ended 69 minutes in, even though TV guides indicated the program was scheduled for 90 minutes. It was thought CNN pulled the plug on the show because Kaitlan was getting molested by The Donald, figuratively, of course. One report later said this wasn’t the case, and perhaps it wasn’t. Regardless, the Town Hall was more instructive due to the questions CNN did and didn’t ask than by any answers that could be given, but that was by design. 

One Newsmax commentator noticed that when Trump walks into a room, it is the people he acknowledges, not the reporter or host or colleague. Things like that tend to make Trump likable, albeit in a way not everyone is willing to recognize. Such was the case Wednesday night in NH. The audience loved Trump. 

The best was yet to come in a focus group held immediately afterward by CNN’s Gary Tuchman. Conservative talk show host Mike Gallagher commented about it:

GALLAGHER: I can’t get enough of this. I have never seen such a self own on national TV in my life. Kaitlan Collins starts the whole conversation or town hall last night asking Trump, “you keep alleging the 2020 election was rigged and that is a lie and you keep repeating a lie”. It is not a lie. It is an opinion and a belief that millions of Americans have that there were tons of shenanigans and problems with the integrity of the 2020 election. Election integrity is one of the most important issues on the hearts and minds of most Americans. The Left and Trump haters are gaslighting you. They want you to believe it is not important. They want you to think it is all settled. Forget your lying eyes of people shoving ballots in boxes and 24/7 drive thru voting and ballot locations in Houston and the mysterious flood that caused them to stop counting votes in the middle of the night. Americans know that there were plenty of problems with the 2020 election with the pre tense of Covid restrictions. Trump didn’t bring it up last night. She did. She started the whole town hall harping on the election integrity issue of 2020. After the town hall, here is CNN’s Gary Tuchman with a focus group.

TUCHMAN: Does it bother you that he talks about 2020 and not 2024? I’ll ask you first. This is Jonathan Leslie. He is 40. Republican, voted for Trump twice. How do you feel about the lies?

Focus Group Participant Leslie: Part of it is the media narrative as you asked him in the town hall about the 2020 election rather than current stuff.

TUCHMAN: Don’t you think it is time for him to talk about 2024 and not lies that aren’t true?

LESLIE: Couldn’t the media have asked him about 2024?

TUCHMAN: You’re right. That’s something on our mind. That is why it was asked first.

The exchange can be viewed here. Notably, CNN has had a management change with new CEO Chris Licht at the helm. It’s thought by some he may move the network away from its toxically leftist rhetoric. We’ll see. In the meantime, it appears as if a veritable anthology of praise is rolling in for Trump’s performance Wednesday night and, indeed, from 2016-2020. 

Re-imagine Fascism 

Image: credit

THE KANGAROO COURT that was once the so-called “House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol” disbanded, and with it, the preposterous lies it perpetrated. Finally, the truth of what happened on that fateful day is coming to light, and with evidence, not Democrat propaganda. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson began his exposé on Monday night’s show, a replay of which can be viewed here. He had obtained over 44,000 hours of security video footage from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the same the Committee had, but either didn’t bother to review or flatly lied about. Apparently, Carlson got the footage because he was the only one who asked for it, even though it is supposed to be made available to any reporter requesting it. 

Carlson began

“Democrats in Congress, assisted by Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, lied about what happened that day. They are liars. That is conclusive, and that fact should prevent them from ever being taken seriously again.” 

Image: credit

The videos predictably show a lot, including, for example, the Capitol Police  calmly escorting an unarmed and costumed Jacob Chansley, later-nicknamed  the “QAnon Shaman,” throughout the Capitol. They acted almost like tour guides and on a few occasions, even tried to open doors for him. Indeed, Chansley and others were literally waved in and assisted through the Capitol by uniformed police It all appeared to be anything but “an insurrection,” especially in light of the fact police outnumbered Chansley and others in the proximity. Overall, with only some exceptions, people who entered the Capitol walked silently and reverently inside the ropes, and were respectful, almost in awe. All they took were selfies. Chansley himself later thanked the officers in prayer on the Senate floor. .(He is now serving a 41 month sentence for obstruction in federal prison.) The Nov. 2021 D.O.J. press release, however, misrepresented the entire encounter.

It is possible that the police simply escorted the protesters inside to avoid confrontation and possible physical damage to other people or to the premises. This can be an effective technique to control crowds, but to suggest these were people engaging in an insurrection is belied by the evidence, save for the very few who did cause property damage. Even for those who did cause damage, it didn’t seem to be an insurrection as much as it did simple vandalism. 

One of Carlson’s biggest revelations was the truth about Officer Brian Sicknick’s death. The Committee would have us believe he was “slain” by the dangerous mob in the “insurrection” that breached the Capitol, but as surveillance footage clearly shows over and over, he was alive, well, and actively walking around after the alleged deadly fire extinguisher strike. None other than the Grey Lady herself, the hallowed New York Times, initially propounded the fire extinguisher death back then, citing anonymous sources. Carlson also showed the political theater of Dems practically bowing and praying to Sicknick’s cremated remains as they were displayed in the Rotunda three weeks after his death. And actually, as it turns out, Carlson showed that the Committee couldn’t have simply overlooked the footage showing Sicknick was not “slain”:  there was an electronic bookmark still archived in the Capitol’s computer system.  So yes, the Committee unequivocally lied.

Sicknick’s brother, Ken Sicknick, came out at the time and said he had spoken to his brother afterwards, and said he was “in good shape,” and he never mentioned anything about any fire extinguisher. By April, a report from the Medical Examiner’s Office in Washington, D.C., which the Capitol Police publicly accepted as true, made a specific finding that Sicknick, age 42, had died ‘of natural causes,” rumored for some time to have been a heart attack or stroke. But Dems kept peddling their fantasy he had been “slain” by Trump supporters, with Biden even talking about it abroad six months later, and even on Jan. 6th of this year. All the while, the person who was slain, by a Capitol Police officer, Ashli Babbitt, was not referenced at all nor did her killer ever face prosecution. 

Another misrepresentation (if you’re charitable) or lie (if you’re cynical) made by the government concerned the mysterious agitator, Ray Epps, who was never charged with anything and thought by many to be an agent provocateur. Epps testified he texted his nephew he had left the Capitol grounds when he hadn’t. Another statement that was misrepresented by the Committee concerned Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) being a coward. The video they showed had him being ushered alone out of the Capitol by police. In fact, many lawmakers were ushered out early, all by police. Hawley was just at the end of the line.

What was the intent of members of this Committee? Was it merely to castrate, kill, bury, and condemn to hell the 45th President, Donald Trump, so he can never be the 47th president? A growing number of people think the objective was even more ominous, and the charade was meant to turn us into a one-party state, or alternatively, to cause a civil war. Anything’s possible, I guess, given the lengths these legislators have gone to sinisterly fabricate the false story of the Jan. 6th “insurrection,” which it clearly was not. But most of us knew that, anyway. When all is said and done, will this reporting even matter?  I’d say the jury is out on that one, but no one bothers with juries when you have partisan hacks in power.

The Swamp is not happy Carlson is speaking truth, not only to power, but to the powerless. A Committee ringleader, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), was so trumped up over Carlson’s report, he pleaded for censorship, calling Fox News C.E.O. Rupert Murdoch to request it be stopped immediately. He told Murdoch he “has a special obligation to stop Tucker Carlson from going on [Monday night], now that he’s seen how he is perverted and slimed the truth, and for letting them go on again and again and again. Not because their views deserve such opprobrium, but because our democracy depends on it.”  Because, you know, Democrats love “our democracy,” and claim its preservation can only be effectuated by playing by one side’s —Dem’s  — rules.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) didn’t like Carlson’s report, either, calling it a “mistake,” while scolding Speaker McCarthy for relinquishing the footage to him. In the uni-party system, however, McConnell, too, thought Jan. 6th was a “violent insurrection.” (As for McCarthy, he had no choice but release the tapes; it was a condition precedent for his speakership, as it should have been.)

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) called Carlson’s reporting “dangerous,” a favorite descriptor used by Dems. He added, “I have no indication at this moment that the police have vetted that footage. It is my hope and expectation that that will absolutely occur.” He continued:

“The Jan. 6 insurrection was violent. Approximately 140 officers were seriously injured. A handful of officers died as a result of the events of the Jan. 6 violent insurrection. There are serious security concerns… We’re releasing footage into the public domain in an era where political violence is on the rise, and there are people, including the former president, who fan the flames of extremism.”

[N.B. Carlson stated his show had been reviewed by authorities and security suggestions were followed.]

The MSM also is wound up. MSMNB’s Rachel Maddow said: 

“So the Speaker of the House just gave them all of the security camera footage from the actual Capitol for them to play with, to see what they can do… ‘Here you go, Fox News Primetime. Hopefully, you can use this official government material to concoct an alternate narrative to give us some more convenient revisionist history about what happened on January 6.”  

Because, you know, the Dems would never do anything like that!

Carlson will be releasing more video, and one can expect it will come out in dribs and drabs for ratings. Dems will have ample opportunity to paint him as a conspiracy theorist, an election denier, an insurrection denier, and worst of all, a Trump supporter. His has been the number one rated show on the number one watched channel for over 100 weeks, beating CNN and MSNBC combined in prime time.  The stage-managed political kabuki theater about an insurrection-that-wasn’t, once called by Biden as “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War,” will, instead of Trump, be castrated, killed, buried, and condemned to hell, as it should, lest we all have to envision a society on the road to fascism.

Publicly Prosecuting Process Crimes With No Due Process in Georgia

FULTON COUNTY, GA. has been investigating whether 45th President Donald Trump and his supporters criminally interfered in the 2020 presidential election in the state for nearly two years. In the course of doing so, a special grand jury now believes that “perjury may have been committed” by one or more witnesses, not publicly named, that they called. That jury has recommended District Attorney Fani Willis, a politically compromised Democrat, “seek appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling.” This was made public in a five-page portion of a report released publicly last week.

The probe commenced when in Jan. of 2021, Trump had a conversation with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) about finding what Trump believed were missing ballots which is not a crime. Over a year later, the jury was selected. It heard from 75 witnesses, from June 1st to December. Some of those who testified were Trump attorneys John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani, and former campaign lawyer Sidney Powell, along with former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). Georgia’s governor , Brian Kemp (R), and SoS also testified, though Trump was not called. The jury finished up in January, presenting its report to Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney, who ruled that only portions could be released. (PDF here.)

Meanwhile, the foreperson didn’t get the memo. Emily Kohrs , a self-described witch, has literally been on a press tour, cryptically suggesting to CNN, MSNBC, and others there is something that, damn! she just cannot share yet. She’s 30, with the behavior of a teenager, giggling and gossipy. She (and the D.A.) are seeking praise and applause for persecuting Trump. As Harvard Law Professor Emeritus, Alan Dershowitz was quick to observe, the release was unconstitutional: the Fifth Amendment provides for grand juries to safeguard against false indictment. The release violated the due process rights of those being accused. It appears Kohrs may have sabotaged the very prosecutions she unequivocally desires.

Apparently, the special grand jury was charged with looking at criminal solicitation to commit election fraud, making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office, and involvement in violence or threats related to election administration. Yet it walks away with only false statement findings to show for all the expense to taxpayers.

Making Mainstream Media Great Again

JUST THE NEWS CLAIMS media companies are supporting former Trump advisor Steve Bannon’s “fight against the DOJ to make documents related to his case public.” Among them are CNN, ABC, NBC, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. (Insert double-take here.) These media companies reportedly filed an amicus brief in support of Bannon’s motion requesting the court allow the release of over 1,000 documents related to his contempt of Congress case concerning their Jan. 6th hearing.

The Daily Mail obtained the media companies’ brief in support of Bannon, which they quoted as saying, “Proper justification for a gag order necessarily includes a finding, in the absence of its entry, that no ‘less restrictive alternatives’ can adequately prevent the perceived harm.” That’s just black letter law, but it’s especially compelling in this context. Indeed, what harm, perceived or actual, is there in releasing these documents at all, beyond allegedly harming the president Bannon served? It might make the prosecutors have to do their jobs and prove their case, but therein lies the fundamental problem.

Trump claims executive privilege. Whether he can is unsettled law. It’s why Bannon is erring on the side of caution and asking the courts to determine if the privilege over presidential papers can be claimed now that Trump is out of office.

Clearly, Trump doesn’t want the papers made public. Likely, the reason is simply that he wants to establish and protect the ability of officeholders to make such claims in the future.

Or, if you’re a naysayer, you may believe it is more sinister than that. For naysayers, releasing the documents is exactly what you should be arguing for, just like Bannon is. So where’s the beef? Like squabbling little brats, the prosecutors don’t want it because the other side does. That’s called bad faith.

The media companies argued the public has a “very strong” need to see the documents, but the D.O.J. claims that releasing documents would create “a trial by media.” The Assistant U.S. Attorney in the case wrote, “The defense’s misleading claims, failure to confer, unexplained wholesale opposition, and extrajudicial statements make clear the defense’s real purpose: to abuse criminal discovery to try this case in the media rather than in court.”

No, the DOJ is trying the case in the secrecy of a star chamber rather than in court. That’s called a witch hunt.

Fake News Faces Reality

THE WASHINGTON POST almost seems contrite over its misreporting on 45th President Donald Trump. Sorta, kinda, almost. WaPo is retracting much of its Trump-Russia-collusion reporting, and is even going so far as to accurately point an accusing arthritic finger at the crooked Hillary Clinton: “The indictment secured by [Independent Counsel John] Durham on Nov. 4 suggests, but doesn’t explicitly assert, that [Igor] Danchenko may have gotten his information about the hotel encounter not from [Sergei] Millian but from a Democratic Party operative with long-standing ties to Hillary Clinton,” they noted on Friday. (Brackets mine.)

Also remarkable, a WaPo columnist (media critic!) Erik Wemple, criticized CNN for its reporting on the so-called “Steele Dossier,” and called on them to correct the record. Meanwhile, there appears to be a major shake-up at CNN, known to the G.O.P. as the Clinton News Network, for its adulation of the adulterer, Bill Clinton, and his accomplice, Hillary. A “good number” of CNN’s on-air talent and staff are slated to be cut. The propaganda arm of the D.N.C. claims it’s going back to being a “100% news channel.” Right. But Deadline is reporting it.

Once CNN completes its merger with WarnerMedia, Discovery chief David Zaslav is expected to take the helm, but he’s keeping mum. Still, it’s a reasonable expectation after CNN’s horrible October, where viewership was in free-fall, with all but two programs failing to average a 1 million cume, according to television ratings company, Nielsen. (It was so bad, only the 90-minute Biden Town Hall exceeded 1 million viewers, with 1.2 million (but still came in last after Fox News and MSNBC), and the half-hour follow-up to it, “Cuomo Prime Time,” with 1.1 million. In fact, CNN averaged under 1/2 million in total day viewership in October, a drop of a devastating 76%, as compared to January, before President Trump had the election almost certainly stolen from him, though surely that’s all purely coincidental.

Democracy is indeed dark with the “most trusted name in news.”