More Communist Sympathy in the Illegitimate Biden Regime

THE POSITION OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY sounds as if it’s a purely ministerial job, but it isn’t, and a communist should not be nominated, let alone conformed for it. The position oversees 3,500 employees and, inter alia, exercises authority over bank account and lending rules. Confirmation is, however, what the illegitimate C.C.P. puppet-in-chief occupying the White House, Joe Biden, is attempting to do by nominating Soviet-born (Kazakhstan) Saule Omarova, who came to the U.S. in 1991 as an exchange student through Moscow State University. Today, Poor Dear claims to have been stateless when the communist regime collapsed as she was studying in the U.S.

Omarova has publicly proclaimed she wants to “end banking as we know it.” Poor Dear was grilled by the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs on Thursday in some sort of confirmation ruse but had views that raised eyebrows.

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), for one, minced no words when he asked her if he should call her professor or comrade given her past membership in the Young Communists. She stated all kids were members, which is surely true, but her uncomforting follow-up on the matter was, “There is no record of me actually ever participating in any Marxist or communist discussions of any kind.” Except there apparently was as late as 2019 in a Marxist Facebook group, which she claims to not remember. In fairness, she did renounce her Soviet citizenship, although, again in fairness, renouncing a state that ceased to exist was redundant.

It turns out there’s more to know about Omarova. She was reportedly arrested on June 2, 1995 in Madison, WI for “retail theft,” a/k/a shoplifting at TJ Maxx, a misdemeanor crime. Her prosecution appears to have been deferred until some time in 1996, when the charge was dropped under their first offender program. A spokesperson noted the arrest was remote in time, arose from “a misunderstanding and a confusing situation,” and Poor Dear was “transparent” about it. They then countered that the reporting of the matter amounted to “tawdry behavior” despite it being a matter of public record.

So, okay, let’s let that go then, shall we? Here’s what’s truly disturbing about this Cornell Law School professor:

As recently as Oct. 2020, she authored a paper entitled, “The People’s Ledger,” which advocated a replacement of the nation’s private bank deposits and allowing the Federal Reserve System to control “systemically important prices” such as food, wages, and real estate. Now she backtracks it as “academic writing.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) helps her cause by blaming opposition to Omarova on “sexism, racism, [and]…Red Scare” akin to Sen. Joe McCarthy in the 1950s.

But McCarthyism aside, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) noted Omarova had proposed that policymaking in economics and ‘climate change’ be removed from Congress and given to a new federal bureaucracy she would call the “National Investment Authority.” It would, in effect, execute the so-called Green New Deal.

And, speaking of energy matters, Omarova had infamously stated “we” want fossil fuel companies to go bankrupt to tackle climate change. To Omarova, it’s “a tricky question” whether higher energy prices are good or bad for America. When probed further, she said she had “misspoke.” She really meant the opposite.

Much of what Omarova believes is foolish at best, dangerous at worst, but some in the G.O.P. were, IMO, needlessly hard on her position on cryptocurrency. They believe it can safeguard savings by negating inflation caused by irresponsible spending by lawmakers. Omarova, however, believes it lessens government control over money. Both are correct in their assertion; both are right in the outcome. This isn’t mutually exclusive.

Yet, Omarova is inconsistent in that she would appear to support a central bank digital currency (or CBDC, which sounds suspiciously like a cannabinoid-induced mental impairment of some type.) This could constitute an extremely concerning micromanagement of economic activity never before contemplated in this country.

Egad. Will the Biden parade of horribles ever end?

Occupying Main Street, I.R.S.-Style?

BACK WHEN “OCCUPY WALL STREET” was a thing, around 2011, if I recall, I headed downtown to see the spectacle with my own two eyes because, you know, fake news and all. This was pre-Trump. “Fake news” wasn’t really a thing back then, but shadows of a secretive Deep State had emerged in the public consciousness. This was post-Snowden. I wanted to reach my own conclusions.

For a motley mass of degenerates, the occupiers were pretty organized. The sub-groups, of which there were many (ranging from the truly apolitical to Paulist libertarianism to LaRouchite dirigisme to Marxist socialism) seemed to take shifts to talk to the curiosity-seekers. They didn’t proselytize, they just complained about pet issues. They even had a community newspaper which they disseminated if they thought you’d bother to look at it. I kept mine as a collector’s item. I wonder if it’ll ever be worth anything?

When I was observing, asking questions, and reaching my own conclusions, an uneasiness surfaced. I had noticed, not just the NYPD communications van conspicuously monitoring everything, but some vehicles cruising around that were marked “Federal Reserve Police.” I had never heard of such a thing. Not that I would have. And not that it might not make sense to have police protect all the gold we supposedly have — I say “supposedly” because although I recall seeing bars of bullion through glass and iron bars in a field trip to the Federal Reserve Bank in New York on a college field trip for the Business/Economics Club, memory can be a funny thing. Maybe I just thought I saw it. Maybe it was decoy-gold. Who knows? What made me vaguely anxious was why the Federal Reserve Police were there at all. Someone ‘wanded’ me and my club members in college prior to entry, but I really don’t remember if they were even police. I seem to think they were unarmed civilians back then.

Yes, the streets the Occupiers took over in Zuccotti Park were close to the gold, fake or real as it may be, but did anyone believe these rag-a-tags posed any risk to the gold reserves? Maybe they had intelligence, maybe it was an abundance of caution, but stranger things have happened. Just how many police, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies do we need, anyway? Especially when they are secretive, unknown, or extrajudicial. Anyway, that was my biggest takeaway from my Occupy Wall Street foray that day. (I had just learned about so-called fusion centers, so expansive surveillance in the name of ‘security’ was on my mind.) Having thus buried my lede through my reminiscences, I’ll get to my point: I had that same uneasiness reading today about the I.R.S.’s supply of arms and munitions, especially under the illegitimate Biden regime. Americans for Tax Reform published a story reporting that the I.R.S. had stockpiled close to 5,000 guns and a staggering five million rounds of ammo as of 2019. Their information came from a 2020 report from OpenTheBooks, a nonprofit seeking to bring transparency to government spending. A.T.R. wonders how this will work with the Biden regime’s hiring of another 87,000 more agents, noting that the increase in the size and power of the agency has “significant criminal justice and basic due process ramifications.” Even without the proposed $80 billion increase in its budget, the I.R.S. Criminal Investigation Division is already very heavily armed. The Government Accountability Office reports the firearms breakdown thusly: 539 long-barrel rifles and 15 sub-machine guns. For ammo, there are 3,151,500 pistol and revolver rounds; 1,472,050 rifle rounds; 367,750 shotgun rounds; and 56,000 fully automatic firearm rounds. (And to think, despite the Second Amendment, Americans fear losing their rights to own weapons as the latest case is argued in the U.S. Supreme Court.)

A.T.F. cites seven reasons to be concerned about the I.R.S. gaining more power and weapons just in case someone might be at a loss to make educated guesses. First, the I.R.S. doesn’t give agents mandatory firearms training. Second, I.R.S. agents accidentally fire their weapons more frequently than they intentionally do. Third, The I.R.S. hides accidental discharge information. Fourth, agents sometimes don’t undergo remedial training after negligent discharges. Fifth, the I.R.S. has a tendency of violating due process rights of taxpayers. Sixth, the I.R.S. reportedly has extremely poor habits when it comes to storing critical evidence. And lastly, The agency has conducted an inordinate number of armed raids on innocent Americans. Remember Loretta Lynch? Remember the weaponization of the I.R.S. under Obama?

It all seems to me to add up to the unequivocal conclusion that federal income taxation should be abolished in favor of a so-called fair or flat tax, one that requires virtually no enforcement mechanisms at all. It’s safer and cheaper. As for the Federal Reserve Police? It’s a Patriot Act creation, so it was probably opportunistic and therefore unnecessary.

Do Boogaloo Dudes Carry the News in Trump’s America?

In a world where admitted Marxists and anarchists try to rule through self proclamation, to overthrow not only the duly elected president of the United States, but the customs, traditions, and aspirations of the nation on Independence Day, it’s hard to know where we went wrong or who to blame. Continue reading “Do Boogaloo Dudes Carry the News in Trump’s America?”