A Global Day of Jihad

FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH was declared a global day of jihad by Hamas. Astonishingly, some people, including in the West, took it to heart. Thousands protested across the Middle East in support of the Palestinian cause, as well as throughout Europe. France actually banned the demonstrations after violence erupted. Even Australia had its share of protests. People allegedly gave Nazi salutes outside of the Jewish Museum in Sydney. Dumb, spoiled ‘snowflakes’ protested at their Ivy League schools in the U.S. in antisemitic hissy fits. At Harvard, students blamed Israel for Hamas attacks. Columbia actually closed its campus due to protests.

At best, it’s embarrassing. There is no nuanced thought anymore. Once-upon-a-time, the Palestinian plight was something you could be sympathetic to—back during WWI when Britain wanted to find a place for Jews and the 1917 Balfour Declaration was penned, establishing that little patch of ‘holy’ land as a perfect homeland for them. It was the beginning of Zionism. The fact others—Palestinians— would be displaced was an afterthought to the extent it was thought about at all. 

Fast-forward to the formal creation of the State of Israel in 1948, after all the horrors of Naziism and WWII. The world’s sympathies flipped. Palestinians did, in fact, get screwed, but never managed to muster a world audience willing to hear its legitimate claims and complaints, especially after it became de rigueur for them to protest using violence, which Israel successfully portrayed as terrorism. Eventually, Israel became sophisticated at playing a good hand its benefactors dealt, and it remains so today. The Holy Land is, in fact, a master at propaganda. 

Despite the West’s stacked deck in Israel’s favor, it doesn’t follow Israelis deserve to die at Palestinian hands. A two-state solution is probably the best even if it’s not ideal, but the two primary parties and regional neighbors need to negotiate any future deal. Israel will not, however, negotiate with ‘terrorists,’ nor should it be expected to. Both sides have valid points, not necessarily equally compelling ones, but points nonetheless. If this were an easy problem, it would’ve been solved already. 

The consensus is that Iran and its Gaza-based proxy, Hezbollah, is behind this. Exactly why is less clear since historically, Palestinians had a hard time even getting Arabs to meaningfully support them, let alone, Persians. Some, including The Epoch Times’ C.C.P. expert Joshua Phillip, have surmised there is a concerted effort by China to put the United States in a four-front war that will exhaust all its resources and ultimately divest it of its world hegemony. One of those wars, it is said, must be a terrorist war. What could be better than Hezbollah, which wants to take down America’s staunchest middle eastern ally, Israel?

The four fronts are, ostensibly, Russia/Ukraine, Iran/Israel, China/Taiwan, and Mexico/America (i.e., the border crisis). Three of the four are already in play. What could be better than to have the illegitimate occupant of the White House running the show? He’s a Chinese hand puppet himself and will help move things along swimmingly. Undoubtedly, there are others in government, specifically the House and Senate, who are also corrupted by the C.C.P., especially some from the West Coast, including former Speaker of the House (D-Calif.) Nancy Pelosi. In this framework, things start to make sense, although maybe it’s all just a coincidence. 

Old Joe now says he won’t forward the $6 billion to Iran in the prisoner deal it made after being criticized for effectively financing the Hamas attacks on Israel.  The money, however, is apparently in Qatar, whose Prime Minister said he’d keep the money out of Iranian hands but then said he intends to honor the agreement Israel and Iran made. Israel Defense Forces has made a “very intentional” plea to evacuate Gaza to prevent harm to one million civilians, but Hamas is apparently blocking them from doing so. Hamas is also putting up roadblocks in Gaza City. Egypt and Syria are refusing the mass exodus of refugees they envision and have closed the borders. This has resulted in the U.N. pleading with Israel to rescind its Gaza evacuation order

Anyone should be able to see how this plays out. The U.S. will pay Egypt and Jordan and perhaps others to take in the refugees in a financial package that will break the bank. Those the U.S. cannot find homes for there will be given clandestine instructions to the Darien Gap to get into the U.S. furtively. U.S. taxpayers will be on the hook, and their so-called leaders will be hailed as ‘problem solvers.’ It’s not far-fetched. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken isn’t in Jordan to test this years’ wine bouquet after a quick dip in the Dead Sea. Thank God or Allah or Whoever that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is also abroad, meeting with Israelis in Tel Aviv. That plays out in concert, too. The Israelis will give a list of weapons they need, like maybe batteries for the Iron Dome, and they will be ceremoniously provided. 

Meanwhile, in just a few days, Old Joe gave Ukraine another $200 million in aid and another few million illegal aliens got free passes to their favorite U.S. cities…