“C’mon, Man! They Aren’t ‘Newcomers.’ They’re Illegal Alien Criminals!”

WHEN THE G.O.P. finally mustered the temerity to scold the brain-dead Biden regime over the mass invasion of completely unvetted aliens at the southern border, the regime pretended to be responsive by suggesting it might release classified materials about U.F.O.s, and one supposes, the aliens that piloted them. As usual, it was all a big hoax. As usual, the G.O.P. didn’t get it. But those few Republicans who really do care are alarmed by the regime’s propensity to let the free-range illegals get away with additional crimes. In fact, the regime wants to reward their illegal acts with citizenship by executive order, according to a recent report. It could affect one million or more criminal aliens. It’s galling. And appalling.

On April 16th, the House Judiciary Committee released an interim report entitled, “How the Biden Administration’s Lax Immigration Enforcement Allows Dangerous Criminal Aliens to Run Free in American Communities” (here), which describes how the Biden massive catch-and-release policy and failure to deport, including criminal aliens, is adversely affecting Americans. It’s an illuminating report, but unfortunately, there is no accompanying legislation to be passed. All the House could muster was a resolution, H. Res. 1112, denouncing the regime’s policy, here

One drawback is the regime’s enforcement priorities, which can make it needlessly difficult for ICE agents to arrest criminal illegal aliens. ICE is given a list of ‘mitigating factors’ that must be considered before the aliens can be arrested and/or deported. These include: “An illegal alien’s age and length of presence in the United States; [A] mental condition that may have contributed to the criminal conduct, or a physical or mental condition requiring care or treatment;[I]mpact of removal on family in the United States, such as loss of provider or caregiver; [W]hether the [alien] may be eligible for humanitarian protection or other immigration relief; and”[T]ime since an offense and evidence of rehabilitation.” Training materials produced in the ‘Mayorkas Memo’  does nothing to elucidate the criteria, but instead, stresses a presumptive sympathy for them.

There are other problems, too, including, for example, the application of the unconstitutionalparole programs,’especially those aimed at Venezuelans, who are granted an unlimited period of time in the country even if they have a known criminal history. Regardless of the problems, the open borders, incentives from the regime, and a general disregard for national security and public safety have only exacerbated them.

Even the regime can grok that all these multiple millions of new aliens cannot receive welfare forever, so work permits will necessarily be issued to them. This has long-term illegals incensed. They are working openly but illegally, some supporting their ‘anchor babies,’ and believe, with some basis, they should be prioritized, not the so-called ‘newcomers.’ Dems have urged this. It seems the Biden regime thought that would play well with the massive existing immigrant community, but it seems there is some sense of propriety among criminals regardless of nationality. This sh!t isn’t playing too well with blacks or poor Americans, either…

The High and Inflationary Cost of Buying Biden Votes

THE STUDENT LOAN FAERIE came and left oodles of cash for a select group of lucky winners in the game of life during campaign season under the Biden regime. The illicit sometimes-occupant of the White House, Joey Biden, has once again ‘canceled’ the student loans of certain special students who signed contracts to repay, but never did. 

The Biden regime had originally planned to ‘cancel’ up to $20,000 for millions of borrowers within certain income thresholds who received PELL grants, and $10,000 for those who did not last summer.  That plan came to an abrupt halt when Biden was told in no uncertain terms by the Supreme Court that he did not have the power to unilaterally ‘cancel’ the debt. That he had to be told is positively stunning, but he did. Maybe some students should be told there are options, too.

His attempts to give away the tax dollars of hard-working Americans who either never received student loans, or who paid back their loans, has not ceased, and on Wednesday, he divulged his latest goody grab-bag for students. Some 153,000 special souls will have their balances zeroed out just like magic.  In this case, those affected are people who owe less than $12,000 in total and who have been repaying the loans for at least a decade.  They must also be enrolled in the Saving on a Valuable Education, or ‘SAVE’ plan for paying back debts. It will cost taxpayers $1.2 billion, even though they will receive absolutely no benefit for paying back their fellow citizens’ loans. (At least I assume they’re citizens—in the Biden regime, that isn’t clear.) All told, the student loan debt ‘cancelled’ by this regime is $138 billion, giving away the money to 3.9 million students through two dozen distinct executive actions. It vows to give away more, too.

Of course, Biden himself couldn’t announce the giveaway since his dementia is rapidly worsening from its already serious state (see e.g., here, here, and here), but a ‘fact sheet’ issued by the White House took the opportunity to announce the giveaway and insult Republicans:

“While Republicans in Congress and their allies try to block President Biden every step of the way, the Biden-Harris Administration continues to cancel student debt for millions of borrowers, and is leaving no stone unturned in the fight to give more borrowers breathing room on their student loans.” 

‘Breathing room,’ my a$$! How about ‘cancelling’ some taxes, you POS! As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote on X:

“There is no such thing as student loan ‘forgiveness.’ President Biden is simply transferring the debt to make you and your kids pay back student loans that you never took out.”

Biden is definitely ignoring the Supreme Court. It appears he is leveraging federal student aid to directly contact certain voters by email who will owe him a debt of gratitude at election time, which is likely illegal. With a penchant for acronyms, had Congress intended to excuse payment, it would’ve passed a SUCKER Act: Students Upset with Cash or Kredit Education Repayments!

To Biden: Chingáte.

BIDEN HAS DECIDED to use the honeymoon period of his installation as C.P.P. puppet-in-chief to give away the country to lawlessness, anarchy, and poverty. He’s doing so through a destructive, divisive, and illiberal piece of legislation called, simply enough, the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. It’s an amnesty bill that will legally allow the estimated 11 million illegal aliens an eight-year ‘path to citizenship.’  The 11 million figure has been floated by pro-illegal alien groups for probably over a decade at this point, so undoubtedly, the number of aliens is significantly higher than that. The bill also significantly expands the refugee resettlement program. And it eliminates to use of the word “alien,” despite being used throughout the U.S. Code.

Apparently, there would be an “earned roadmap” to a green card after five years and full citizenship after eight years. There could be criminal and national security background checks, although this isn’t entirely clear. There is likely to be a requirement that their taxes are paid, though these people as a class are more likely to be paid money by our government than required to pay anything to it, given the refundable credits available. This is just one of the ways the government tries to trick naive people into agreeing to their destructive economic schemes.

The so-called ‘DACA kids,’ most well into adulthood now, would be granted green cards immediately and be eligible for citizenship in three years. There’s something about “demonstrating proficiency in English and U.S. civics,” but the only efficient way to measure is to administer the citizenship test. The test is also incredibly easy, so it would be much more beneficial to test for highly paid and needed job skills.

Just to make sure everyone in South and Central America are happy and like us, there is money for giveaways to them, too, even though we are in the midst of shutdowns due to a pandemic and have hoards of our own unemployed.

This must be what this senile old man meant when he talked about “building back better.” I guess building doesn’t apply to walls, at least on the southern border. Democrats have been talking about “fixing our broken immigration system” for years despite having participated in the drafting and enacting of current immigration law. So to fix it we should just eliminate it, I suppose. 

Biden is prepared to enact it through executive order if possible and Democrats in Congress are planning to carve it up into bite-size pieces to make it easier to cram down Americans’ throats. Since we’re all from Mexico now, let me be among the first to say “chingáte!” to Biden

How Dictators Rule

IN HIS less-than-a-week in office, the illegitimate puppet in chief Joe Biden has signed three times as many Executive Orders than the previous four presidents combined: Clinton-1; Bush-0; Obama-5; Trump-4 and more than any of the 45 presidents of the United States.  Biden has issued 33 E.O.s, actions, proclamations, memoranda, and agency directives as of January 25th. Twenty-on are E.O.s. “Only dictators legislate by executive order,” claimed Biden, as recently as October.

Some of the E.O.s  understandably pay homage to the Chinese coronavirus known as Covid-19, and mask-wearing, without which we would still have President Trump. Others are meant to ‘cancel’ Trump’s earlier policies, especially with respect to immigration and illegal aliens

The highest priority E.O. for Biden is, however, on “racial equity” which sounds innocuous, but in fact, is most malevolent when you understand the translation. Its stated objective is to close the gaps so that race doesn’t predict anyone’s life outcome. That’s fine, except it sounds expensive, confiscatory, and impossible. And it’s a out of a “progressive” playbook, in this case, Susan Rice’s. 

Rice was made Biden’s Domestic Policy Advisor. She likes to point out “long-standing inequities” she claims have caused the average black family to have only one-tenth of the wealth of whites, and that the gap has increased to record levels since 1960. Which is kind of funny because that’s just before affirmative action policies were enacted and implemented to overcome these discrepancies. 

Some, like Ric Grenell, Acting Director of National Intelligence and ambassador to Germany under President Trump (and who owes his career to him), now claim Rice is Biden’s “Shadow President.”

And she didn’t even need to be confirmed by the Senate, if that even matters.

Rice is remembered for being then-President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor, former ambassador to the United Nations, and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (and who owes her career to former Presidents Clinton and Obama.)

She was behind the fake story that the attack at the embassy in Benghazi on 9/11/12 which killed the ambassador, an embassy employee, and two Navy SEALS was a spontaneous response to a viral anti-Muslim video on YouTube.

Rice also unmasked Trump officials and ordered their surveillance in a Deep State hoax perpetrated against the public. 

The Immaculate Deception: Dirty Deep State Version

SURVEYS show a significant number of Americans know something was very amiss with the 2020 election and that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected the 46th President of the United States. For his part, President Trump plans to continue his fight for office and to preserve election integrity.

This week, Peter Navarro issued a 30-page report, supported by six pages of footnotes and an elucidating chart, showing just how voter/election fraud occurred. The report is “The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities.” It can be read in full here. Navarro is Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, though he authored the report in his individual capacity.

The report covers voting in six contested states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It categorizes “irregularities” into six types: outright fraud, ballot mishandling, contest process violations, equal protection violations, voting machine issues, and statistical anomalies. All states had at least five “irregularities; most had all six. In all cases, the number of ballots affected more than exceeded the differences, except for Michigan where the difference was unknown at the present time. In other words, the “irregularities” were what tipped the scales to Biden from Trump. 

The chart summarizes Navarro’s findings well.

Navarro goes into much more detail than I can here and he explains the details thoroughly and clearly. The report is what should be handed to those who insist Trump has “no evidence” of election irregularities. He does, and did. Generally courts dismissed Trump’s complaints on purely procedural grounds and have failed to look at the substance or merits of his claims to date. 

That might change. Late last week, for example, the Supreme Court agreed to hear at least two emergency complaints brought by Georgia attorney Sidney Powell, who has been zealously prosecuting a case against Dominion Voting Systems, which she alleges made machines designed to cheat and that fell into the bureaucratic hands willing to cheat in these, and perhaps other jurisdictions. Her emergency petitions against Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin sought to de-certify their election results based on this egregious voting machine fraud. 

Still, Powell faces an uphill battle against time. Of her four emergency petitions, the Court agreed to hear only two: Michigan and Georgia. At that, the states’ reply briefs aren’t due until January 14, 2021. Meanwhile, Powell faces grievances for disbarment by Michigan for her role in challenging the election results.  

Predictably, The New York Times and others in the M.S.M. have dismissed Powell’s latest allegations as “conspiracy theories.” Her claims, however, despite being denied by Dominion, are supported by forensic audits, which is about as good evidence as you can get after the fact.

Additionally, Trump’s campaign filed its first writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court over the weekend, seeking to overturn three cases with unfavorable rulings from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. The writ can be read here.

There is also the possibility some light will be shed on the election when a report is produced from the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, ordered through an Executive Order from 2018, addressing whether and to what extent there may have been foreign interference in American elections. The report was due on Friday, but has been inexplicably delayed. (How convenient…)

Rumors also quickly surfaced over the weekend that Trump was considering making Powell a Special Counsel in rigged voting machines. There were additional claims the president was about to call for martial law at the urging of attorney Lin Wood. He has a case pending before the Supreme Court against his home state of Georgia, too. It can be found here.

The M.S.M. was fit to be tied over the weekend. This is the propaganda arm of the Deep State having delirium tremens after their years of excessive imbibing of the intoxicating and addictive Kool Aid at the Company punch bowl.

The Power of the Pen Versus the Power of the Purse 


On Saturday, President Trump took decisive and likely extralegal action to help some (and only some) Americans suffering pecuniary loss from the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic that has been ravaging the world for over half a year. 

Continue reading “The Power of the Pen Versus the Power of the Purse “