Vote Free or Flee in the Live Free or Die State

LITTLE WINDHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE (est. pop. 14,893) didn’t seek the publicity, but it has become Ground Zero for what many believe to be election fraud in the Granite State, a once staid and reliably red state with a reputation for conducting fair and honest elections, as well as being the proud first-in-the-nation primary state. I should know. I voted there for many years until my cooler head and the warmer winds in Florida prevailed for nine months a year.

To its credit, the town, which apparently used Dominion voting systems, realized something had gone awry in November. Eventually, the state senate voted 24-0 to conduct an audit. Unfortunately, the auditor eventually selected was Mark Lindeman’s Verified Voting, a group that was publicly attributed as stating they believed the fraud claims in Maricopa County, AZ were fake, and attempted to shut the process down in April. Lindeman, along with Paige Alexander of the Carter Center; Elizabeth Howard of the Brennan Center for Justice; and Ryan Macias of RSM Election Technologies; signed off on a letter to that effect, which can be read here.

Both the Carter Center and Brennan Center are generally well-regarded, but known as liberal organizations. RSM appears to be the election arm of a larger international network of policy and regulatory ‘consultants.’ In other words, there is an inherent leftist bent and desire to maintain the status quo of an illegitimate masked occupant in the basement at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Furthermore, V.V. seems to have a reputation for short-circuiting audits by using a methodology called “risk-limiting audits,” relying on statistics in subsets of ballots. Critics claim this methodology is unreliable because of the insecure software registering the votes and the printouts. This makes ascertaining the accuracy of the votes virtually impossible, and therefore, rendering any audit rather meaningless. The Gateway Pundit elaborated on the methodology and its limitations here.

After the audit began, Steve MacDonald from Granite Grok, a website covering the state’s politics, reported having observed what he considered to be a highly unusual visit to the audit facility by N.H. Assistant Attorney General Ann Edwards.

It was unusual in that it was at night, shortly before midnight, on Wednesday. It was odder still that the camera footage stopped for over an hour after she was seen walking to a table with purportedly secured ballots on it. An on-site state trooper was heard to say that there was was no one else in the room before the camera went dark.

As sure as mud-and-mosquito season in the Live Free or Die State, Thursday morning held a disconcerting realization. There were suddenly four more boxes of ballots (27) than the 24 that had originally been dropped off.

Two activists, Ken Eyring and Tom Murray, who recently formed a watchdog group called the Government Integrity Project, were on site observing the forensic audit. They’ve expressed serious concerns about the process.

The state A.G. has no statutory authority to direct the audit, nor did that office have much interest in investigating the election anomalies in the first place. Why the sudden interest late at night in the dark several months later?

Why, indeed. It’s a good question and one that needs to be answered.

What makes the Windham story unique and particularly compelling is that concern about the election arose, not over Donald Trump like in some other contested states, but in the close loss of a Democrat local state rep candidate. It was only after a hand recount, which she lost by significantly more than originally thought, that it became clear all Republicans had been systematically cheated out of several hundred votes each.

This hadn’t been Trump crazies going rogue. In fact, to my utter chagrin, Granite Staters had seemed to simply accept a Biden victory. It wasn’t the “Big Guy” winning the big seat and big bucks in the White House that bothered them, it seemed.

It was the gal losing a little state representative seat in the Legislative Office Building in Concord, which would reward its occupant a pitiful salary of $100/year and free on-street parking when in session, that ruffled enough feathers to open this proverbial can of worms.

Me? All this only confirmed the wisdom of this snowbird having flown to Trump County in the Free State of Florida early last winter.